The Healthcare MBA
Learning Goal 1 – Systems: Analyze the complex healthcare system across critical domains and scales.
- Evaluate relevant stakeholders in the US healthcare system.
- Analyze risks and benefits of proposed solutions across a health system.
- Propose solutions to address inequities.
- Assess the impact of healthcare policy on operations.
- Assess external market factors that impact the organization.
Learning Goal 2 – Analysis & Decision Making: Apply analytic frameworks to complex and ambiguous environments to create evidence-informed recommendations.
- Compose actionable problem or need statement.
- Incorporate social and economic factors into decisions.
- Formulate actionable, evidence-informed recommendations.
- Render a financial decision to a business question.
- • Render system-level decision regarding the feasibility of a new venture.
Learning Goal 3 – Leadership & Management: Use awareness of self and others to lead and manage in complex organizations.
- Analyze roles, perspectives and agendas of self and others.
- Integrate multiple perspectives to more fully analyze an organizational situation.
- Propose plans for ethical action based on values.
- Generate potential solutions using design thinking.
Learning Goal 4 – Communication: Communicate with clarity and brevity, as appropriate to the audience and content.
- Compose a written message that is clear, concise, logical, and relevant to the situation.
- Deliver a spoken message that is clear, concise, logical, and appropriate to the audience.
- Provide evidence using appropriate citations.
- Create visuals that support the communication.